Burnout and Stress

You are a human in an environment that is vying for your attention, money, and heart. 

If constant stress has you feeling helpless, disillusioned, and completely exhausted, you may be on the road to burnout.

The struggle is real.  

As an Autistic Woman who didn’t know I was autistic until my 30s, I’m familiar with surviving in burnout mode.

Burnout is a form of exhaustion caused by constantly feeling swamped. It’s a result of excessive and prolonged emotional, physical, and mental stress. In many cases, burnout is related to one’s job.

Burnout happens when you’re overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to keep up with life’s incessant demands.

Mitigating stress and preventing burnout is a daily exercise in discipline, self-acceptance, self-awareness, and combatting stubbornness, but it’s worth it.

Let me help you help you shift from burnout to balance.

It’s difficult to see burnout in the midst of it.

Sometimes, we realize the pace we’ve been running, working, and operating at doesn’t allow rest to be… restful.

The sitcom show we once laughed at only reminds us of our stressful our life is because we never have time to go out with our friends on a weeknight.

The vacation pictures from our friends simply make us jealous or cause our mind to wander to “better times.”

You deserve to feel joy. You deserve balance.

You can’t always be the caretaker for everyone else. You must take care of yourself too - put on your own oxygen mask first.

Sometimes, we all need a reminder we are human, full of emotions waiting to be felt, experienced, and maybe even shared.

Perfectionism is a self destructive and addictive belief system that fuels this primary thought: If I look perfect, and do everything perfectly, I can avoid or minimize the painful feelings of shame, judgment, and blame.

- Brene Brown

We ALL deserve to thrive, not merely survive.

I’m here to help you figure out the next right thing on your to-do list, especially if that thing is learning to slow down, pace yourself, and cultivate joy through watching the clouds, petting your dog, and reading that book you bought in 2019.

We all deserve to have healthy boundaries and the energy to take care of ourselves.

If you are experiencing burnout - personally or professionally - and want help managing your stress or working toward making major changes, let’s talk.

If you are ready to start making changes, schedule a consult.